Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mother Jailed for sending Children to School in the Wrong District?

I agree with the mom that she was singled out to be made an example. Apparently, other parents were doing the same but not questioned because that investigation didn't happen until after the accusation against this mom.

How far should a mother go to get what's best for her children. A felony charge over this that would jeopardize her ability to teach? Why aren't we dealing with why her neighborhood school is not safe for the children residing in her district? It's seems the crime lies with those officials who turned a blind eye to the unsafe conditions in this woman's district and the very one's who would pull such a harsh sentence on this woman and her future. Doesn't look like a system working to correct and remedy a problem... looks more like a system of Vindictiveness.

1 comment:

  1. So I stand corrected. An investigation regarding the other parents was conducted at the same time. She was the only parent who refused to pay the fine (taxes for tuition) and was jailed for 10 days. She believes the judge was not really interested in her paying the fine. She wanted to make an example of her.
